Thursday, February 19, 2009

Conseil et Technique de choisir un futur épouse

Dans la vie on a besoin de vivre a deux et avec beaucoup d'harmonies et de comprehensions mutuelles.

Mes conseils en tant qu'aine se reposent sur ces quelques points suivants:

  1. franchises;
  2. confiances mutuelles;
  3. partages;
  4. comprehensions;
  5. solidaires
Au mieux possible, Ce sera 1 personne qui a des qualites suivantes( Il faut dire trouver une femme ideale ce sera un peu du reve!) :

  1. Famille
  2. Niveau intellectuelle pas trop different de toi
  3. Integre a ton environnement familial et amical
  4. Beaute physique bien sure
  5. generosite
  6. Pas trop exigente au niveau materiel et financier
  7. Savoir separer les affaires du couple par rapport aux differentes autres .

Techniques :C'est pas compliquer. A mon avis,

  1. Il faut que tu sois precis et direct avec elle.
  2. Essayer de parler avec elle en tete a tete, si possible,Ou bien par messenger internet en direct, pas trop par sms de telephone.
  3. Poses des questions comment elle conçoit la vie du couple, famille,... en quelques sorte tu testesses visions et comportements.
  4. Direct et discret sont les mots cles. Fais lui savoir de ton gout, de tes visions de vies.
  5. Il faut aussi que tu sois courageux et oser de surmonter tous lesobstacles eventuels.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Good Government

A democratic system gives people the right to choose their own leaders throught regular elections. " By People, For People, Of People" is the main concept of popular democracy. What's more, a democratic system has a written Constitution, except United Kingdom of England, which guarantees certain rights of the people and establishes a code of laws in which even the ruling elite must to abide by.

The basic requirement of a good government are political pluralism, judicial independence, equality before the law, civil liberties and human rights. A government can not wield its power arbitrarily without complying with the law of the country, keep itself clean and free from corruption, most importantly protect every citizen from crime and injustice.

The government should seek to reach out to the people and understand their needs and problems. Generally speaking, a good government is not the ruler but a good servant.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Change is gonna come

A Change is the new word too often using by the President of America Barack Obama during his presidential election campaign. As to me, Change is not the new one, but it seems to be the new concept and initiative. Change must be done and followed by a right action on the right time. What's more, integrity and power of will are the determined factors to success.

In reality, in times of crisis, everything needs to change in order to tackle with the problems. Theoretically, all the crisis are not the same, new crisis, new solution. However, Models for Change should accelerate progress toward a more rational, effective, fair and transparent. If there is a lack of creativity and innovative, everything will be the same. A person who is imaginative is someone who has great creative powers and insight. His mind is a fertile bedrock for innovative concpets. Such people dare to venture into the unknown and unexplained and transform novel ideas into reality.

Today, I dare to say it's the Second Great Depression. If we don't fight it, we have to live with it in a terrible and miserable conditions. If we dont start a real purpose action from now on, it will make a strong resistance in the future. Don't let the a little messy become a big trouble. So, it's time to fight against those evil and catastrophe.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Great American drama television series

Commander in Chief and West Wing are the America drama TV series talking about the Work of President and The White House.
It's very enjoyable and interesting fiction movie. Being a leader of America is not an easy task, it's the most difficult, important, and powerful job. That's why, the whole image and strenght of America depends on the people working closely with the President.
Those people are included Chief of Staff is equivalent to Chief of President or Prime Minister's cabinet. Along with the speechwriter and Press Secretary , Director of Communication plays an important role to deal with the President's agenda and media. In addiction, chairman of the joints chiefs of staff works closely and directly with the President and the Secretary of Defense in the time of crisis in the Situation Room inside the White House building complex.

West Wing

It's really great movie I have never seen before. I enjoy watching it too much. It leads me to know how the President works. What's more, it makes me understand who is the most influential person in the President's office.

If you want to know more, please watch it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Vs Action

The wrong action at the wrong time leads to DISASTER

The right action at the wrong time brings RESISTANCE

The wrong action at the right time is a MISTAKE

The right action at the right time results in SUCCESS

Monday, February 2, 2009

Does wealth deem as success in life?

In my society, success in life is often equated with having a career which earns a large salary, driving a luxury car and living in very spacious village. Such status symbols are often taken as critierion in evaluating the success of a person because they are considered as very difficult to achieve.

In my opinion, I feel that there are certain more intangible aspects of life which is more important in determining of a person's life. One basice criteria which I feel that cannot be qualified is happiness and being healthy. Even if a person can have all the money in the world but he feels sad and dejected than he would feel that his life is empty and barren. On the other hand, an ordinary man may be contented with his life because he feels the joy in his life from having a happy family or having many good friends.

Every person has the potential to realize their own dreams. As to me, wealth is transient and it is useless compared to the more enduring elements of a person's life like DIGNITY, RESPECT, LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, AND HAPPINESS. These things we cannot use the money to buy it, it comes from the PURE HEART, the RIGHT ACTION, WELL-BEHAVED.