Monday, January 19, 2009

If there is a will, there is a way

I think it is important that each of us should keep hope and dream in mind . Hopes and dreams come to fill with perseverance and the real commitment on the right way. When we are without hope, then our body becomes lost of energy and power.
If we think optimistically, then the power of positive thinking will bring good results, even if it takes time to reach us. On the other hand, if we think pessimistically, bad results will certainly follow.
So, I would like you to believe that everything is still possible and learn to be a good thinker.

January 18, 2009



Friday, January 16, 2009


What is power? Power is the way how to influence the others to get the outcomes one wants. There are several ways to affect the behavior of others.
  • You can coerce them with threats.
  • You can induce them with payments.
  • Or you can attract or co-opt them.

The changing structure of contemporary international relations is reflected in the fall of bipolars super powers and the rise of China and India. Today, a win-win strategy were used in a diplomatic interstate relations, not a carrot-and-stick. In the actual global context, it's the phase of understanding and cooperation in exchange of economic, and trade. So, in the present phase of internationl relations, the soft power are used to gain advantages over the rival. However, the hard power is also used sometimes in the difficult times, for example, the Afghan war.

HARD POWER means to coerce by military or other means such as an economic embargo etc...
SOFT POWER means the power to convince and persuade through trade, diplomacy, aid and the spread of values.
If America want to restore its image on the international arena and a leader of the world, it should learn to co-operate and listen.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Face of US Government


Secretary of State: Sen. Hillary Clinton
"America cannot solve these crises without the world and the world cannot solve them without America." said Hillary Clinton. According to her, it's a multilateral diplomacy as a smart power to win over terrorism and the global economic crisis.

National Security Adviser: Retired Marine Gen. James Jones
"I personally don't believe that the United States can afford to be perceived as having not been successful in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and I think the consequences for such a perception or such a reality will be with us for years to come in terms of our ability to be a nation of great influence in the 21st century." — Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee (Sept. 6, 2007).

Homeland Security Secretary: Gov. Janet Napolitano
"She's kind of a female Hubert Humphrey, a real happy warrior." (Arizona Democratic fundraiser Fred DuVal, to TIME in 2007)

Defense Secretary: Robert Gates, a holdover from Bush administration

"Bob Gates understands that the secret to successful leadership lies in the willingness to accept counsel and advice from many people, both inside and outside of government. When facts and circumstances change or when mistakes are made, we must have a Secretary of Defense who listens, who understands, who corrects errors rapidly, and who adapts to reality." — Former Senator Sam Nunn on what makes Gates a good boss (December 6, 2006).

The new administration is taking office on January , 20 . Let's wait and see what's going to change under the new leadership of the first black American. The America changes, So does the rest of the world.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The thing I hate most

From my point of view, one personality is not enough to deal with all situations. Surely, we all share view that no one can be perfect. There must be a good and a bad. However, it's significant to ask yourself if you are good enough. In reality, everything has its own standard. Some people will never be able to know his/her fault even he/she is told by the other. More importantly, it should keep in mind that reckless mistakes are certainly forgivable but not intentional one is not allowed. So, let's focus on good habits.
Someone used to tell me " Think before Say Something" I will keep it in mind but honestly I slip out of tongue on talking with the close ones sometime, it's not my real purpose. So, It makes me recall the French Slogan said" La parole est d'argent, mais le silence est d'or".
The thing I really hate the most is blaming me before someone else because it make me think I lose face. Dignity and good reputation are my want. As far as I am concerning, these both things are important than money. In that respect, I would be happy and thank if they can talk face to face with me. Frankly, I am neither good at making an arguement nor quarrels but also giving a curse. In my whole life, when I hear people making a strong argument or dispute I always walk away from the scene. Thanks to my best friend who give me the best advice, I should have something haves and haves-not.