Friday, December 26, 2008

Unlucky Christmas's Day

A week before Christmas's day, we had plan to celebrate the festive event on the boat along the Chatumuk river with the exchange gift between BSG member. Later on, everything was completely changed due to workplace. However, we are still very happy to make very constructive gathering.
On the Christmas Eve, B1 and B3 went window shopping to find a Santa Clau toy for S4. But I can't find it. We promise to give her on the First January of 2009.
Let me tell you about unlucky Christmas's day. We all agree to have an small dinner and sweetie talk among us at Mlop Svay 99 together. I was told by B3 going there first to make an place reservation. Unluckily, no places available on the upstair. Because it has already booked one day or few hours before us. So, I decided to take place at downstairs. I was alone waiting them with drinking a cup of beer with peanut, while they were on the way coming due to heavy traffic jam. 45 mins later, B3 and s4 arrived on the scene.
We started ordering food and simultaneously chatting and calling the other two. One is still leaving and the other was caught in traffic jam. We had happy talk and made fun of each other. the other two still was on the way as they were approaching the restaurant. Unfortunately, the rain poured down, it make us stop and check the bill. The cashier made a wrong charge. We complainted to him.
We decided to come back home, but S4 wanted to see then-Sleuk Toy restaurant now Singapore Chiken restaurant. So, we are ok coming to the restaurant again. There are problem with Car parking. Finally, we had dinner and took photos togehter.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Preah Samuth

Story Preah Samuth is among Cambodian Royal Ballet which were performed on Saturday 6 November 2008 at Chaktomuk Conventional Hall With the support of UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust. In particular, the Royal Ballet of Cambodia was proclaimed as masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on 7 November 2003.

On that day, My B3 and I went to see this beautiful spectacle and performance. I honestly appreciate this performance so much. Now I am feeling khmer dance is very precious. The action is very fascinating with the khmer tradition coutume looks very colorful and attractive. Moreover, the voice of music and song is very deeply emotion.

From the entrance to sitting place, there are a group of khmer gals and guys from ministry is guiding the place for the visitors to their own places. Most of gals look nice and beautiful with soft voice wearing khmer traditional clothes. I see that there are no sitting left, nearly a houndred were standing. However, I was feeling uneasy with the flash ligh camera.So, I just know I have never said sorry to being Khmer. I am very proud of born to be Khmer. I enthusiatically endorse a such performance.

By the way, my B3 is very keen on those gals wanting to see them even leaving the performance. We left the behind gate, not the main exit. That's why, B3 missed chance to see them again.

P.S there will be a such nice performance on Saturday next week. If you want to see it, don't hesitate to contact my B3 to get entry ticket.

Some keys to success in love

There are many differences between relationship and friendship. From my point of view, friendship is easily to start without an effort, but relationship is much harder. Practically, relationship starts from friendship. Moreover, in real relation it demands sacrifice, and sometimes struggle.

With regard to the question of relationship I hope some of my guys and gals understand very well what I am going to say. In this context, I refer to the love between men and girls. I don’t have experience enough, but I have just read many books about it and used to be told by friends his/her problem as well as from my observation and analysis love is natural phenomenon. In stage of human development, there are a series of actions without learning such as crying, hungry, and particularly love.

Love is the long process that answers for everything including not only hope but also regret. In same token, love needs time, mutual understanding, and mostly sweetie words. So, before any action is taken, an in-depth analysis of the situation must be made to indentify your weakness which must first be eliminated. Being a good lover, you should well prepare what you have have-not and must-have.

Now I come back to two main aspects of good lover. The first is that caring is important thing in relationship between guys and gals. Nearly ¾ girls I have met and talked with, they usually tell me girls need you take care of her, especially in the bad time. I totally agree with this idea. Actually, you and your lover becomes one person. So, everything should be shared and done together.

The second is that having time with your partner. I think so. Loving someone is wanted to stay with him/her most of time. Frankly, I am experienced about this. It’s difficult to describe it, but I hope if it happens to you, you really understand how many time you want from him/her. However, it must be said that time is important making relationship goes smooth. If you don’t have time for each other, how can you know and share your happy and bad time together. Time paves the way for you to understand each other, create in-depth relation, and share and solve you two your problem.

I give more valued on time and caring. I hope you can share with me about this. I don’t know right or wrong, but am ready to accept your critics.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Visiting my growing cassava on Water festival

Sorry but you can't have it all

People were born with an ambition. In reality, most of the people want to be the best and superior. Some people got what they want to be, while other force to be what they don't want. It's called destinity and fate.

There are times when things don't run smoothly. So, don't indulge yourself into the bad situation. Althught you can't expect to happen, you should fight until the end. Hopeless is the pretext of coward people. Even, it gives you a little, but better than no. Everything is still possible.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The day when you feel nothing

Actually, there are four important thing we need are Career, Love, Money, Luck.

I am not concerned with my job, but I am very worried my career promotion. Although they are not qualified enough, they want to be promoted. Why? Because they think promotion is important for their money generating and power. Today, no power no money, having power without money is another catastrophe in the carrer. Being superior is better than subodinate. The respect is not coming from the real intention, but just from the authority.

I am fed up with love, but still thinking of the messy thing what I had in the past, it's unforgetable. Sometimes, it is unfair to me. It really makes stuck my mind and depressed. One thing I can get rid of such stupid thing is to going away for a while. So, it's clearly I am prepared to get scholarship. My favorite destination is Europe. History teaches me the same lesson. However, it's not easy as a cake to win schoarship. My hope is still with me all the time, it's just matter of time being. Time runs very quickly, I hope one day I will meet my one hundred years partner. I wish it should be quickly.

In term of money matter, until this age I have nothing in hand compared to many people as the same age. But looking as a whole, I am still on the good condition. I am very happy with what I earned. It's fair and acceptable. On the other hand, I have enough hectares of land transfering into agro-industry.

Luck is not getting away from me yet. I am very lucky to be born in my family and my dear country. I am very proud of my BGang & SGroup. We are like family. Our friendship is getting better from one day to one day and step by step.

So, we must have hope for the bright future and good imagination for the coming . Nothing happen only if when don't try hard to get what you want. No struggle, no return. Time is money, Life is struggle, Luck always comes on us as we take chance to catch it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Birthday

Luckily, I was born on the day of the biggest number in one digit, and the month of double number one, those day and month are converted into the National Independent Day of Cambodia. It's not by chance, but God gave it to me. My year of birth is another Victory Day of Khmer on Khmer Rouge regime. This year, Cambodia will celebrate the biggest event on the commenmoration of the 55 Anniversary of National Independent Day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama ប្រធានាធិបតីអាមេរិកទី​៤៤​​

តើ​លោក Barack OBAMA ជាអ្នកណា ?​​​ លោក Barak OBAMA កើតនៅថ្ងៃ៤សីហា​ឆ្នាំ ១៩៦១ ។ ឪពុក​មានដើមកំណើតមកពី ប្រទេស​ KENYA ទ្វីបអាហ្វ្រីក, ម្តាយជាជនជាតិ​អាមេរិក​​មកពីរដ្ឋ Kansas។នៅពេលលោក ចាប់ កំណើត​​ជាសមយ័កាលមួយដែល អាមេរិកនៅ ប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៍​មិនអនុញ្ញាត្តិ​ឲ្យមានអពាហ៌ពីពាហ៌​រវាង​បណ្តាជន​សម្បុរ​ខ្មៅ​នឹងសឡើយ ។​ កាលពី កុមារភាព ជីដូននឹង មាតាជាអ្នក បីបាច់ថែរក្សាលោក ដោយ​​បញ្ជូន​ឲ្យទៅ​សិក្សា​​​នៅវិទ្យាល័យ នឹងសាកលវិទ្យាល័យដ៏ សំខាន់ៗ។ ​ បន្ទាប់ពីបានបំពេញ​មុខវិជ្ជា​ច្បាប់​នៅ​សាកលវិទ្យាលយ័ HAVARD។​ លោក OBAMA បាន​ទទួលមុខ​តំណែងជា​មេធាវី​នៅទីក្រុង CHICAGO ជាទី ដែល លោក បាន ស្គាល់ភរិយា របស់លោក។ គូស្វាមី OBAMAបង្កើត​បានបុត្រី២នាក់អាយុ១០នឹង​៧​ឆ្នាំ។ លោក Obama បាន ប្រឡូក ក្នុង ឆាក នយោបាយ ចាប់ពីឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៧ នៅ ពេល លោកជាប់​ឆ្នោតជាទីប្រឹក្សា សំរាប់សង្កាត់តោកយ៉ាកមួយ នៅទីក្រុង CHICAGO។ នៅឆ្នាំ ២០០៤ លោកបានជាប់ឆ្នោត សមាជឹក ព្រឹទ្ធសភាប្រចាំរដ្ឋ​ Illonis ហើយក៏ជា អ្នក នយោបាយ សម្បុរខ្មៅ លើកទី១ នៅព្រឹទ្ធសភាអាមេរិក ។ លោក ចាប់ មាន កេរ្ត៍ឈ្មោះ ល្បីនៅឆ្នាំ ២០០៤ ដោយ សារ លោកមាន វោហា ពូកែ និយាយ​នៅឳកាស យុទ្ធនាការ បោះឆ្នោត ប្រធានាធិបតី របស់លោក​John Kerry ។ បន្ទាប់​មក ជាជោគជ័យថ្មីមួយទៀត នៅ ពេល លោកសំរេច ចិត្តឈរ ឈ្មោះជា បេក្ខជន ប្រធានាធិបតី ប្រកួត ប្រជែង ជាមួយ​លោកស្រី Hilary Clintonដើម្បី តំណាងបក្ស ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ជាមួយគ្នា ។ នៅទី​បញ្ចប់​ដូច​ដែល គេ បាន ដឹង,លោក Barak Obamaថែមទាំងឈ្នះលោកស្រីHilary Clinton ថែម ទៀត ។ ​លោក Barak OBAMA​ បានចូលទៅក្នុង​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រអាមេរិក ក្នុងនាមជាប្រធានាធិបតី​លើកទី១ដែល​មាន​សម្បុរខ្មៅ ។​ លោកនឹងចូលកាន់​មុខ​តំណែង​ថ្មីនៅសេតវិមាន នៅ​​ថ្ងៃ​២០​មករា​ឆ្នាំ​២០០៩​

បញ្ហាប្រឈមមុខជាច្រើនដែលត្រូវដោះស្រាយ​ៈ​ ការ​ស្តារ​ប្រជាប្រិយភាព​សហរដ្ឋ​អាមេរិក​ឡើង​វិញ​គឺ​ជា​ករណីយកិច្ច​មួយ​ដ៏​សំខាន់​របស់​ប្រធានាធិបតី Barack Obama នៅ​ពេល​លោក​ចាប់​កាន់​មុខ​តំណែង​ថ្មី​ជា​ពិសេស​ទាក់ទង​នយោបាយ​​ការបរទេស​​មាន​ជា​អាទ៌​សង្គ្រាម​នៅ Irak និង Afganistan ។ នៅ​ឳកាស​យុទ្ធនាការ​បោះ​ឆ្នោត ​លោក​ Barack Obama សន្យា​ថា​នឹងដក​ទាហាន​អាមេរិក​ចេញ​ឲ្យ​បាន​ទាំង​អស់ក្នុងរយះពេល​១៦​ខែ។ ​នេះ​ជា​កិច្ច​សន្យា​មួយ​ច្បាស់​ជា​ពិបាក​ដោះស្រាយ​ ពេល​ដែលគេ​ដឹង​ថា​ការ​ដក កង​កម្លាំង​អន្តរ​ជាតិ​ចេញ​ពី​​ប្រទេស​​មួយ​​ដែល​កំពុង​ឆ្លងកាត់​អំពើ​ហឹង្សា​ជា​ការ​មួយ​ពិបាក​អនុវត្តិ​ខ្លាំង​ណាស់។ ទាហានសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​បានឈរជើងមានរយះពេល ៦ឆ្នាំដែលមានទាហានស្លាប់ និងរបួសរាប់​ពាន់នាក់ រួមផ្សំជាមួយការ​ចំណាយថវិកាដ៏ច្រើនសន្ធឹកសន្ធាប់​។ និយាយជារួម​ សង្រ្គាមនៅសមភូមិ​ទាំងពីរប្រទេសនេះបាន​ធ្វើ​អោយសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​​ផុងខ្លួនយ៉ាង​​ជ្រៅនៅក្នុងវិបត្តិ​​​ដែលដកខ្លួនមិនរួច បាត់បង់នូវ​ប្រជា​ប្រិយភាពរបស់ខ្លួននៅ​លើឆាកអន្តរជាតិ។​ លើសពីនេះ គេអាចនិយាយ​បានថាជា​សង្រ្គាម​​ទី២​ដូចនៅ​វៀតណាមយ៉ាងដូច្នេះដែរ។​ ក្រៅ ពី​សង្គ្រាម​នៅ​ Irak និង Afganistan ​ប្រធានាធិបតី​ថ្មី​តំរូវ​​ដោះស្រាយ​វិបត្តិ​​នៅ​ក្រៅ​ប្រទេស​​មួយ​ចំនូន​ទៀត​ជា​ពីសេស​នៅ​តំបន់​ដើម បូព៌ា​ដែល​អាមេរិក​ដើរតួនាទី​ជា​អន្តរការី​សំខាន់ជាងគេ។​វិ បត្តិ​នៅ​ដើមបូព៌ា​ដែល​រហូត​មក​ទល់ពេលនេះ​អាមេរិក​អសមត្ថភាព​ដោះស្រាយ​នឹង​នៅរាំង​ស្ទះ​រហូត​មក​ទល់​ពេល​នេះ។​ ជា​វិបត្តិ​មួយ​​ដែល​ប្រធានាធិបតី​​ថ្មី​អាច​​​ចាប់​ផ្តើម​កិច្ច​ចរចា​ឡើងវិញ​ប៉ុន្តែ​​លុះត្រា​​តែ​ភាគី​ប៉ាឡេស្ទីន​សុខ​ចិត្ត​ដែរ​។ បញ្ហាសំខាន់ដែល​នៅលើរបៀបវារះយ៉ាងសំខាន់មួយ​ទៀតនោះគឺថា​តើ​អាមេរិក​ធ្វើ​ការ​វាយប្រហារ​ឫ​ទេ​ Iran ​ដែល​សហគមអន្តរជាតិ​ចោទ​ថា​មាន​អាវុធ​នុយ​ក្លេអ៊ែរ។​ បញ្ជាការដ្ឋាន​សមភូមិ​ប្រចាំការ​នៅ​ប្រទេស​ Irak ចោទប្រកាន់ប្រទេស​ Iran ជាប្រភពបង្ករ​អោយ​មានអស្ថេរ​ភាពតាមរយៈ​ការផ្គត់ផ្គង់សពា្វវុធ និង​ហិរញ្ញ​វត្ថុ។នៅក្នុង​សំណុំ​រឿងនេះ ប្រធានាធិបតី​ថ្មី​នឹងអាច​លើកយក​មក​ពីនិត្យឡើងវិញ។ វិបត្តិ​អាវុធ​នុយ​ក្លេអ៊ែរ​នៅកូរ៉េ​ខាងជើងគឺជាបញ្ហាសំខាន់នៅក្នុងកិច្ចចរចារ ៦ភាគីដែល​រួមមានៈ​សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក រុស្សី ចិន ជប៉ុន កូរ៉េ​បងប្អូនទាំងពីរ។

ក្នុង​កំឡុង​យុទ្ធនាការ​ឃោសនា​បោះឆ្នោត លោក Barack Obama បានសន្យាការរៀបចំ​​កែ​លំអ​ប្រព័ន្ធ​ធានារ៉ាប់រង​សុខភាព​របស់​ពល​រដ្ឋ​អាមេរិក​​ដល់​ទៅ​ ៤៥លាននាក់ ដែល​គ្មាន​លទ្ធភាព​ទិញ​ធានារ៉ាប់រង​ពី​ក្រុមហ៊ុន​ឯកជន។ ការ​រៀប​ចំ​កែលំអ​ប្រព័ន្ធ​​​​​អប់រំ បង្កើន​ចំនួន​និង​ប្រាក់​បៀរវត្សរ៍​គ្រូបង្រៀន។ កាត់បន្ថយ​ពន្ធ​អាករ​​សម្រាប់​ពលរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​ដែល​មាន​ប្រាក់​ចំនូល​ទាបនិង​មធ្យម ដែល​មាន​ដល់​ទៅ ៩៥%​នៃ​ចំនួន​ប្រជាជន​សរុប​របស់​អាមេរិក។ ទាំងនេះ​ទាមទារ​នូវ​ការ​ចំនាយ​ថវិកា​ជាតិ​យ៉ាង​ច្រើន​សន្ធឹកសន្ធាប់ ក្នុង​ពេល​​​ដែល​បេឡាជាតិ​អាមេរិក​កំពុង​តែ​រីង​ហួតទៅៗ ហើយ​ថែម​ទាំង​ជាប់​បំណុល​គេ​ច្រើន​ទៀត​នោះ។ ឱនភាព​ថវិកាជាតិ​អាមេរិក​​បាន​កើន​ឡើង​រហូត​ដល់​ទៅ​​រាប់​សិប​​ម៉ឺន​លាន​ដុល្លា​​ក្នុង​មួយឆ្នាំៗ។ ពេលនេះ សេដ្ឋកិច្ច​របស់​សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​មិន​ត្រឹមតែ​មិនមាន​កំនើន​ទេ តែ​ថែមទាំងដើរថយក្រោយ​ទៀតផង។

ជាទូទៅគណបក្សប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ មាននិន្នាការដោយសង្កត់ធ្ងន់ទៅលើបញ្ហាសេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងការគោរពសិទ្ធ​មនុស្ស ។​​ ចិនគឺជា​​ទីផ្សារធំរបស់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក។ មហាអំណាចចាស់ និង​មហាសេដ្ឋកិច្ចថ្មីពិតជាត្រូវការគ្នា​ទៅវិញទៅមក។​ បន្ទាប់ពី​មហា​ភេវរ​​​កម្មនៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​ ថ្ងៃទី​ ១១ កញ្ញា​ ២០០១​ ការលើកយកបញ្ហា​ការគោរព​សិទ្ឋមនុស្ស​នៅចំពោះ​មុខ​​​ទីក្រុង​ប៉េកាំង​របស់ទីក្រុង​វ៉ាស៊ីនតោនហាក់បីដូចជាថយចុះ។​ថែមពីលើនេះទៀត​បញ្ហាទាមទារឯករាជ្យភាព​របស់កោះ​តៃវ៉ាន់។​ ប្រទេសចិនបានព្រមាន​ទុកជាមុនរួចមកហើយនឹងធ្វើការវាយ​លុកទៅលើកោះ​តៃវ៉ាន់​ប្រសិនបើប្រទេស​​នេះប្រកាស​ឯករាជ្យ។​ទីក្រុងវ៉ាស៊ីនតោន​ និងកោះតៃវ៉ាន់ជាដៃគូរសម្ព័នមិត្ត និងយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តទៀតផងតាមរយៈការចុះកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងរវាង​ប្រទេស​ទាំងពីរ។​​ តាមការរំពឹងទុក​​ លោកប្រធានាធិបតីថ្មីរូបនេះត្រូវបន្តនូវគោលនយោបាយ​ការបរទេសនៅតំបនើអាស៊ីបន្ត​វេនពី​លោក BUSH។​ អាស៊ីជាដៃគូរយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តយ់ាងសំខាន់របស់អាមេរិកនៅក្នុងកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការលើគ្រប់វិស័យ ជា​ពិសេស​​​​​​​ការប្រយុទ្ធប្រឆាំងអំពើភេវកម្ម។ ដោយឡែកកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការរវាងកម្ពុជាជាមួយសហរដ្ឋ​អាមេរិក​ត្រូវបានពង្រឹងពង្រីកនៅលើគ្រប់វិស័យ ជាពិសេសផ្តោតយ៉ាងសំខាន់ទៅលើបញ្ហាសុខភាពសាធារណៈ ការពង្រឹងនីតិរដ្ឋ ការគោរពសិទ្ធមនុស្ស ការប្រយុទ្ប្របឆាំងអំពើភេវរកម្ម។

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Land of Smile, but King Never Smiles

"The Land of Smile" is the moto of Thailand Tourism Promotion. It's easy to find it in Thai in-flight magazine or the other tourism advertising. It's acknowledged that thai is the top arrival of tourist in the region compared to Cambodia. The main revenue of its national budget come from big part of tourism and service sector.

However, I make notice that why the King of Thai never smiles. He always shows himself very strict and not easy-going. Too often, it is believed that he is not only strong in power but also rich among the king around the world. Every year, on his birthday celebration, he always deliver his speech as advice for government to follow.

Since the revolution in 1932 from Siam to Thailand, there are many coup d'états. When the government can't reach any deal with its opposition party, the coup d'état is the last resort to overthrown the legitimate government . So , when the culture of coup d'états of Thailand is vanished.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not War, But Peace???

This afternoon, I went to see Roth and Any at Parkway Square for lunch. Unfortunately, I had lunch one hour before she calling me. I am not really in the habit of going there alone, I too often go with my B2. Due to his personal matters, he doesn't join with me. He lets me come alone.

Before going there half hour, I received callings from many sources about the fighting breakout along the Cambodian-Siam Border, it makes me surprising. I strongly support prime minister ultimum yesterday. We, Cambodia, defense our sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, by the same token, I still think about the consequences of war, there are my brother and uncle who sent there too .We are fed up and annoyed with war in which left us behind the other countries, we are hungy for peace, not war.

Today, Cambodia's government helps to save face of Thailand due to the Thai political internal matters. But it doesn't mean Khmer are weaken. Khmer is still strong and capable of making war at any circumstances. Anyway, Thai should not exploit it over Cambodia. When Khmer reunite, khmer will can do everything. Our Government works hard to develop the country. We are now at zero tolerance.

Does Thai really want to make war? Or Thai think they want to experience war. Don't play with fire, it makes you hurt na. It's not the right time making war. I hope Thai doesn't want to lose face the second time.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Live our BGang and SGroup

Let me brief history of BGang and SGroup. There are three Brothers namely, B 1, B2, and B3 whereas SGoup are only two sisters , namely S4 and S5. We, BGang, were university classmate. Whereas SGroup were our friends of friend.

This sunday, we BGang and SGroup went for a walk together. As we don't know where to go, we decided to go the Royal Palace. Unfortunately, my B2 and S4 can't join with us due to his work and her own personal matter, left us 3 at the Royal Palace waiting them nearly two hours. Two hours later, S4 come to pick up us. Then we came to Lucky Seven to recharge our energy.

Our BGang and SGroup are not talkative, but like to talk and obviously want to be a good listener. We are full of ideas. As usual, every weekend, we spend time together to go around many places in Phnom Penh. Too often, we go to Parway Square, to play bowling and Golf as well as eating something at Buble Tea. We come to talk and solve problem together. Particularly, we like to make fun of us and sometimes steal to take a real action pic to post in blog for souvenir.

Are you ready to join with Us? Don't miss it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BGang and SGroup welcome you
our door is open for U.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This is Airbus A380, it is the biggest jumbo plane.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Farewell Party for Uncle Phcar

It is Thursday evening at Bopha Phnom Pneh restaurant along the riverside nearby the night market. It is our great pleasure were invited by Uncle Phcar before his return. He is returning to France on Sunday evening after three months staying and also back on January next year.

We jumped to talk a series of topics related to society and business. Phanith and I talked seriously and confidently with him about his projects. We had many workable ideas how to run business, however it is impossible to do it. It's finacial constraint. We learn the new words from him is " The small is very beautiful one". We make notice of Leaksmey talked so much with uncle many issues. Too often, Phanith and she made fun of each other.

We are very sorry that our B2 could not arrive on time due to his burden work at ministry. He is supposed to be natinal hero. Nobody knows him work hard for the nation. On behalf of myself and B2, I strongly support and actively encourage B2 do whatever he does for the sake of nation. some people sometimes blame him for his lateness. But Only our three bothers do know.

We finished our dinner around 9 O'clock. The dinner was very good amosphere, friendly, and enjoyable. It's also fruitful and constructive discussion.

Long live, our brotherhood and friendship !

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why have a family?

Too often, We hear about love in a family, complaints in a family, problems in a family. Isn't this because the family has its deepest roots in life and happiness? I think it is natural law who create and force us to give offspring for the existing of this planet.

Ouch, my two guys B2 and B3 usually mention about it. They always recommend me to marry soon as well as my parents. Especially, my B3 really wants to create a perfect family. He seems to be very caring and helpful father and husband.

To my understaning, Making family is not concesion and gift, but it is the matter of mutual understanding and compromosing. It is the way we learn to live together at the end of the worlds, not just PhD(Prepare to have a divorce). In other word, it is said that both of people should have something in common. Or else, we can say God not give us yet a gift. So let's waiting it.

Without family, what happend next?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Being yourself

I just learned this phrase from two gals. Yesterday, after having lunch, we keep going shopping as usual at russia market with a group of two guys and two gals. We came from one stall and stall. At the end, we came to buy at the same seller. Two gals recommended me to choose jean and shirt suitable to me.

Forgetting to tell, they work at magazine, so they know and familiar to guy's style. However, we sometimes intended to ignore their advices. Then I caught up with the word "To be yourself".

Being yourself is very hard to change, anyway it is the matter of time and personality. Some people have their own favorite. Otherwise, we should choose the good ones and kick off the bad things.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to help them?

This weekend I went to my land to see how it made and developed. Otherwise, everything is very disappointed and unbelievable. It's nothing progress to schedule and planning. They worked very slowly and carelessly.

We tried to help them by providing them a good condition of work and pay. I have a burden of charge with my uncle Jean to invest in Cassava plantation. Sometimes, I nearly get poor and bankrupt cuz of my investment. We hired 8 people used to work on boat in Thai. We pay them 90 dollars per month each and plus 20 kg of rice. We have 33 hectares in total, only 8 hectare were planted, and the rest is full of grass. How do they work? Do they think about the consequences and impact? and Finally, we decided to lay off them this month. Business makes a profit, if not what hell are going on next?


វាគួរអោយឈឺចាប់ណាស់!​ វាជារឿងមិនគួរអោយជឿទាល់តែសោះឡើយ។​​ ទ្រឹស្តី​ផ្សារភ្ជាប់​នឹង​ការអនុវត្ត​។​ ការគ្រប់គ្រង និងដឹកនាំមនុស្សវាជាពិបាកដែលទាមទារនូវពេលវេលា និងថាម​ពល​យ៉ាងច្រើន​ដើម្បីធ្វើការត្រួតពិនិត្យ​ និងចង្អុលបង្ហា​ញដឹកនាំអោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវ។

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

នេះពិតជាអស្ចារ្យមែនទែន ន៏!

វាពិតជាអស្ចារ្យមែន ដែលយើងអាចសរសេរជាភាសារខ្មែរបាន។​ នេះគឺជាជំហានបន្ទាប់មួយទៀតការធ្វើទំនើបូនីយកម្មភាសារខ្មែរ។​ ជាដំណាក់កាលថ្មីឆ្ពោះទៅរកភាពទាន់សម័យ។

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to build a good profile

Last night I had a serie of talks with my uncle Jean. He is very happy and proud of me and two brother (B2, B3) as well as my close friend Sunly and appreciates us so much about our lasted-long relationship and fraternity.

He insists me to keep this fabulous relationship even we have our own family respectively. One thing, he observed that my B2 is a really provocator and B3 looks strong but very poor in spirit and mind. To me, It is considered to be catalysor.

Afterward, we jumped to talk about the project to modernise the town at Andoung Meas. He has a big hearted, and generous. Actually, in France, he is the President of Khmer Association (AKVO) , Cergy-Pontoise, France and several member of association and federation. Since he came to Cambodia, he invested nearly 20,000 dollars US to cultivation on the land of 33 hectares, and provide 8 employment which give them 90 dollars and rice 20 kg per month. It's well paid compared to work in Thai. Our labor come from Kampot province, used to work on the boat in Siam. We provide them a good condition of work and hope.

Let me brief my important talk with him about the town modernization. First, he wants to create one association there using local villager as the founding father, and him as a partner, because he can not use his name to ask the aid from France's side. Second, we will build many public toilet two kilometers around the town first, then expand next if it works as planning. However, in order to get aid from foreign, we have to build by our own first. Then they can see our activity and project proposal, make them study and give fund later. Third, he will contact with local authority there first to install electricity. After returning France, he will come to see many donor such as Electricité Sans Frontier and other to discuss this project.

What make me very interested , he wants to build good profile for us. In the project, he will assign us as Advisor to the project. Because He said that we are good background and high profile and the leader in the next generation, so it is easy to request fund. I totally agree with him. In my opinion, it is very good idea, but I don't know my two brothers welcome this idea or not.

To conclude, to be well-known , we have to buid up our profile through social activities and writing. It's time to kick off now, don't waste our time so much.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Weekend at Preah Sihanouk Ville

It was at the Ou Cheu Teal Beach, there were lots of local and national tourists visiting there, there are little places , but lots of tourists. We sat near the end of beach, at Srey Pech, fortunately, we did not pay the place's fee at all. My friend, sunly, knows the owner of the place. She is very cute, but mean. I parked the car in the wrong place, she came to approach me and said please park the car in the right place. Whoa ! She insulted me, my friend told me parking here is OK. We took pic after drinking Anchor Beer two or three glass.
I remember it is my third time to visit Preah Sihanouk Ville. It took nearly 6 years since 2002 I used to visit twice when I was at University.
From my observation, it is good symbol of prosperity and development. There are lots of hotels and guest house as well as restaurants. Furthermore, most people seem to be well-off.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How can I forget her?

She is not my first lover, however, I am still thinking of her. There are lots of my friends said to me she is not beautiful and suitable to me. It is hard to refuse their ideas about her.

Sometimes, I feel she is not good neither. By the same token, I think she has a something special that I like very much. I got in mind " I love the one who I love, not love the one who I don't love". My mind and sould are always with her. She , in turn, never thinks about me. To be honest, I did two serious mistakes again and again. Furthermore, each time she gave me a time to resume talking, I liked to prolonge the time. This is a kind of carrot and stick. In reality, I can't blame her . I try to use the soft and gentle way to deal with her many time, but it is useless. So I made a very strong decision at the moment to quit , start something new.

Going out with friends, don't recalling her name or talking about her, is the best way to forget her. Being happy, looking the bright side and always think positively. So I believe that I can be refreshed.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Don’t break up our friendship!

This is another story of me; it’s very sad and bitter. Sometimes, I think it is like the joke. I have known many girls. I have too often in mind why girls don’t want to be my sweet one. When I talk about the friendship to relationship, something gets bad to worse.

Only these short answer were responded “I am not good for you, please find another”,” Don’t involve too much, please just be friend”, and “don’t think too much about it, please let the time pave the way for us”.

Do I really have something bad? Or Am I not handsome? Actually, I am not handsome, but gentle and caring. Is it enough for them?

After we broke up two or three years later, they married someone else. Then, we came across and usually had small talks. There are two girls among them came with bitter and sad story about their life after marriage. I am very pity on them too much after learning about their rude and cool family story. How can I help besides keep maintaining our last-long friendship? It’s unthinkable, before blaming on me about it, they confessed to me I am a good guy. I said hey you are right that I am a good boy, but it’s too late and over.

Anyway, I am still a good guy in their eyes and minds and always promise to them that I can do whatever I can do for you. She is reluctant to say we can start it again. oh, come on , why not? Ouch, don’t break up our friendship !

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I just want to be a friend

To have a friend is one of the most wonderful experiences in life. To develop a deeper and deeper understanding of oneself and the world is also very wonderful.

I have known a girl for nearly three years since we give up contacting each other. She is not beautiful, but looks cute. Sometimes, I don't understand why she does not want to talk with me. It's long history to tell. However, I hope some of my brothers know the story very well. It was yesterday and last sunday, I tried to call her , but she did not pick up my calls. I felt very disappointed and embarrassed about it. I recalls the French proverb said that " Deux sans jamais trois" means " Two never without three".

Otherwise, I am still happy that there are still my brothers and many girlfriends are with me. It's due to them making me happy and have a fun all the time.

So, I personally think I should stop calling her or no longer bother her.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Land at Andoung Meas, Ratanakiri

It was on 05/07/08 my uncle and I went to jungle, Andoung Meas district, behind my land in order to measure our length and wide. The water is cool, very clear and clean. We spent nearly two hours walking throught the forest and along the stream with other seven men behind us. We are exhausted , but happy. Of course, I really love the nature very much. Indeed, I am fond of travelling in the jungle, because it is calm and very quiet .

I was checking my GPS to measure the distances.

It's my first time to walking in the forest. Of course, it's really tired and too danger. However, I feel happy and proud of it.

We were taking a short break after waving the water nearly two kilometers.

It takes only nearly three months our plant grow very quickly.

So cool.........!!!!!!!! It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our land covering 33 hectares with 5 owners who are keen on agriculture sectors. At the present, we have been transforming it to multi-agro-industries plantation. We have already planted cassava approxiamately 10 hectares along with other vegetables, fruits, and rice up to now. In addition, we have also raised domestic animals.

This photo was taken from Google Earth.

This map shows the area of Andoung Meas district, Ratanakiri province with Se San river.

Ratanakiri province is very good for investment in agro-industry and tourism sector. We strongly hope that in the near future Ratanakiri will become a potential economic zone.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cambodia-Siam Dispute

The second meeting of Cambodia-Siam Foreign Ministers Meeting in Siem Reap, 28 July 2008, is considered by both sides sucessful have not produced anything positive result yet. The number of troops stationed around Preah Vihear temple remained steady until 31, July 2008 since Siam troops entered illegally on Cambodia's soil.

It's acknowledged that the resolution will take time and patience. However, we are very concerned the current situation. Camboda don't want to see our sacred site were used as a hostage of conflict. We want to see the temple as a tourism destination and economic development area.

In reality, Siam government has no real intention to make compromise, they seem to provoke the war with us and still have the intention claiming Preah Vihear. Moreover, they use the temple case to raise the ultranationalism. As far as we have seen, Siam have a huge internal political matters amongs the different factions in the country.

Cambodia has the absolute advantages in term of public international law and diplomatic means . In regard to military strategy, although Cambodia's military equipment is weak and low, Cambodia's military strategy and will power is higher than Siam troops. For the good sake of the nation, Cambodia don't want to make a war with neighbor, make a peace in order to transform this areas to be a cooperation, development border.

Finally, I would say that the tension eases on condition that Siam has the real intention. In case of declaring war on us, Siam losts its prestige as a civilised nation and image as a democratic country and rule of law nation on the world. The international community will condemn.

Peace alwasy with us, God bless Cambodia and curse Siam.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Preah Vihear is Cambodian's territorail souvereignty.

Thai should respect the decisions of ICJ in 1962 and 32 nd World Heritage Commitee of UNESCO in 2008. It's useless to claim Preah Vihear Temple as Thai belonging. Otherwise, Thais should learn again about their own history, who you are and where you are from. There are lots documents writing about the history of Thai and Cambodia. I think what thai is doing now not like to promote Preah Vihear as tourism destination but also make the world know Cambodia clear as well as they know the ICJ decision and the listed Preah Vihear as World Heritage. So , they jump to conclusions that Thai is doing something that the world not accept and also violate of UN charter

Most of Thais should read these articles which make them clearly understand.


Bruised nationalism stirring bad feelings between Thais, Cambodians
By Supalak GanjanakhundeePublished on July 17, 2008

There is a whiff of undesirable difficulty building up in relations between Thailand and Cambodia in the aftermath of the World Heritage listing for the controversial Preah Vihear temple. It is arising from the obligations forced upon the Samak Sundaravej government and the Foreign Ministry by the ongoing People's Alliance for Democracy street protest, the stance of the opposition Democrat Party and the actions of some senators and nationalist academics.

Bruised nationalism is stimulating feelings of hatred between Thais and Cambodians. Anti-Cambodian sentiment is growing stronger as Thais - who consider themselves superior to their southeastern neighbours - feel they have lost face because Cambodia managed to have the Hindu temple listed as a World Heritage site.

The listing of anyplace as a World Heritage site is not a matter of gain or loss. But many Thais are convinced of loss, because they've been told repeatedly that the listing means Thailand has lost sovereignty over Preah Vihear. So, as Cambodia celebrated last week's World Heritage listing, many Thais felt bitter.

Legal misinterpretation by intellectuals has confused the powerful Thai sense of ownership. The entire world is aware that in 1962, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled Preah Vihear was "situated in territory under the sovereignty of Cambodia".
As a member of the United Nations, Thailand had to accept the ruling and hand the temple over to Cambodia. In the decades since then, there has been no legal bid to reclaim the site. Some legal experts intentionally misinterpreted Article 60 of the ICJ's rules by saying it reserved the right to reclaim the temple.

In fact, the article merely says that "in the event of a dispute as to the meaning or scope of judgement", the court will construe such matters upon the request of any party.
Therefore, in the language of the law, de facto and de jure, the Hindu temple of Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia.

For the past 46 years, the Thai authorities have never dared use Article 60 to ask the ICJ for clarification of the meaning or scope of its ruling. Such action may have caused further loss of territory, because in making its original decision, the court referred to a French-made map that swallowed up a large swathe of so-called "overlapping" area in Cambodia's favour. The whole mountain where the temple stands may now be under Cambodian sovereignty.
Many Cambodians have been quoted in their local media as saying Thailand's unlimited greed would end up bringing the country shame. One Cambodia woman at the temple told The Phnom Penh Post she was increasingly worried that the dispute would turn ugly.

"We are concerned that the Thais have come here to create trouble," she said, referring to hundreds of Thai protesters who gathered near the temple a few weeks ago.
The group threatened to storm it. On Tuesday, three of their number carried out the threat and were arrested by Cambodian authorities and held for several hours. This kind of emotion will likely destroy the fundamentally good relations between the two countries in the short-term future if both sides allow feelings to get out of hand.

Then there is a technical problem. Former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama was forced to emphasise Thai concerns linking the heritage listing with sovereignty before the World Heritage Committee in Quebec, Canada. That stance could become a powerful argument for Cambodia to use in opposing Thailand's forthcoming application for World Heritage listing of the adjoining area downhill from the temple within two years.

The World Heritage Committee pointed out its regulations stipulate that the listing of any World Heritage site has nothing to do with sovereignty. However, the Thai team arguing against the listing insisted the committee recognise the domestic political sensitivity of the Preah Vihear site.
Phnom Penh may now be able to turn the tables on Bangkok, since Cambodia also claims sovereignty over territory containing many archaeological sites along the border, including the area downhill from Preah Vihear.

It is difficult to imagine what may happen in the future if Thailand is forced to cut "overlapping" areas off of the sites it proposes for listing. In fact, Thailand may ultimately be left with no sites along the border for which to apply for World Heritage listing.

Temple could draw millions of tourists

By Subhatra BhumiprabhasThe NationPublished on July 17, 2008

The listing of Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site has caused extraordinary things to happen to neighbours Cambodia and Thailand.
Strong feelings of nationalism are stirring in Thailand with discourse on "land and sovereignty", while Cambodia is seizing the opportunity provided by the listing of the 900-year-old temple, says Associate Professor Pipop Udorn of Thammasat University's Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy.
For Cambodia - where about 35 per cent of the people live below the poverty line on less than Bt6 a day - Preah Vihear is a potential "economic miracle" that could help it achieve the UN's Millennium Development Goals, Pipop said at a symposium on "Politics and Nationalism - The Preah Vihear Case".
"It [inscription on the World Heritage List] means a new airport, cable car, hotels, casino, employment for more than 300,000 local people, and US$2 billion [Bt67 billion] from tourism income," said Pipop, adding that Cambodia's Tourism Action Plan targeted 3.12 million tourists by 2010.
Preah Vihear's World Heritage listing reflects the success of the Cambodian government's Economic Quadrangle policy under Prime Minister Hun Sen's administration. Conversely, it reflects failure by the Thai government to inform the public about the benefits Thailand could share from the listing, Pipop said.
Thai governments since 2005 had supported the World Heritage listing by Cambodia and had already provided financial assistance to build Road No 67 linking the attractive tourist site of Siem Reap to the Thai border next to Preah Vihear, he said.
Associate Professor Surachart Bamrungsuk agreed Thai society could do a much better job of turning the conflict into a real benefit.
Promoting the Preah Vihear site as a "Joint Cultural Development Area" or "Joint Tourism Area" would be an option to enable both countries to enjoy economic benefits as well as cultural development, Surachart said. Thailand's northeastern Isaan region would become a gateway to Indochina through cultural links.
"Today if we do not accept anything [the International Court of Justice's ruling and the decision of the World heritage Committee], we must answer to the world community on how we are going to coexist with others," said Surachart, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University and an expert on national security.
The International Court of Justice, in a nine-vote-to-three ruling, judged Preah Vihear to be "situated in territory under the sovereignty of Cambodia" some 46 years ago.
A letter by the then interior minister of July 6, 1962 to the prime minister stated: "Thailand is obligated to withdraw police, guards or other security from the Preah Vihear site by adhering to the principle that Cambodia will keep the remains of the Temple of Preah Vihear and the land beneath it." But anti-government groups, including senators, the
opposition and some academics claim the temple sits on Thai soil.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Did i forget anyone?
!BARACK OBAMA: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! The chicken wanted CHANGE!

JOHN MC CAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in operation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

HILLARY CLINTON: When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to cross the road. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure -- right from Day One! -- that every chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn't about me.......

DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on 'THIS' side of the road before it goes after the problem on the 'OTHER SIDE' of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his 'CURRENT' problems before adding 'NEW' problems.

OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road...

ANDERSON COOPER - CNN: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks. PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information. DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain. Alone.

JERRY FALWELL: Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see the plain truth?' That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends, that chicken is gay. And i f you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the liberal media white washes with seemingly harmless phrases like 'the other side. hat chicken should not be crossing the road It's as plain and as simple as that.

GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.

BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its life long dream of crossing the road.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

JOHN LENNON: Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in peace.

BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2008, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your check book. Internet Explorer is an integral part of the Chicken. This new platform is much more stable and will never cra...#@&&^(C% ......... reboot.

ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?

BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition of chicken?

AL GORE: I invented the chicken!

COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?

DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?

AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens

Friday, June 13, 2008

Body Language

When words do not match what the body is saying, better to rely on the body as that is a far more accurate reflection of feelings, attitudes and intentions.

Body language comes into its own. These days, especially when many people are becoming more forthcoming in their interaction with each other, potential lovers are a lot less subtle than they used to be.

If you want to make a good first impression, use luck-bringing body language! In addition to smiling and making good eye contact, show the palms of your hands as this is an inviting gesture. Keep your arms unfolded and your legs uncrossed and your body leaning slightly forward. These are welcoming signals that send out a positive message. Don’t forget to show a hint of a smile!

The next time you attend a social event, observe how people who are strangers to one another will subconsciously try to match each other’s body gestures. When people are at the ‘making friends’ stage, they tend to mirror each other’s gestures in a subconscious effort to reach out. When someone introduces you to a “new” friend, see if he/she crosses his or her arms - this is a sign that tells you the other person is unsure of you. You can then also subtly cross your arms to mirror the gesture. But smile and lean forward as you do so, to send a non-verbal but friendly message that you want to make friends; then check if your message has been understood and taken positively by uncrossing your arms. If the person you are interacting with likes you he/she will definitely follow suit by also uncrossing his/her arms.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Civil Service System in Cambodia

According to Kram NS – RKM-0196-024 dated January 24, 1996 on the Creation of the Secretariat of state of the Civil Service determines the organization of the Secretariat of State of the Civil Service and establishes its missions as well as the attributions of each of its attached departments and organs. Sub-decree (Anukret) 19 – ANK – BK Dated May 28, 1997 on the Organization and Functioning of the Secretariat of State of the Civil Service. The State Secretariat for Civil Service (SSCS) manages all of the civil servants, excluding military, police force, and judges of the juridical order and civil servants of the legislative order.

There are two levels in the civil service structure, the Central Administration and the Provincial Office. Those considered as main offices have Ministries, State Secretariats, and Institutions such as Authorities, Committees, and Councils, etc.. There are 25 ministries and two state secretariats in the Royal Government. With the exception of the Ministry of Royal Palace, Ministry of Foreign Affair and International Cooperation(Embassy), Ministry of National Defense ( Military Region, Provincial Military Headquarters, and Provincial Gendarmerie) , Ministry of Justice(Provincial Court Office), Office of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Interior(Governor Provincial Office, and Police Commissiariat ), State Secretariat for Civil Services, and State Secretariat for Civil Aviation, each ministry has its own provincial and municipal department, with each department having its own districts.

Qualificaton for employmentThe basic qualifications for employment in Government common to all positions are:

  • Cambodian citizen;

  • have at least 18 years but not more than 25 year old;

  • Must not be deprived of his/her civil rights, civic and political;

  • Must not have been condemned for a crime or attempted offence of good moral conduct, honor or integrity;

  • Must satisfy the condition of physical aptitude for the exercise of the function as required by guidelines and applicable regulations;

  • And must satisfy the aptitude conditionsrequired by the particular statue governing his/her body.

Civil servants work 5 days per week, from Monday to Friday, and 8 hours per day: morning section: 0700hrs to1130hrs and afternoon section: 1400hrs to 1730hrs.

Civil Servants are subdivided into four categories and each categories divided into 3 Grades :
  • Category A: Administrator (Leader, Decision-maker); required at least Bachelor Degree and retired at age of 60.
  1. Grade A1: Chief Administrator (has 6 steps A1-6 to A1-1)
    Position: Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Director General, General Inspector, Provincial and Municipal Governor.

  2. Grade A2: Principle administrator (has 10 steps from A2-10 to A2-1)
    Position: Deputy Director General, Deputy General Inspector, Director of Central Department, Provincial and Municipal Vice Governor, Chief of District, Inspector.

  3. Grade A3: Administrator (has 14 steps from A3-14 to A3-1)
    Position: Deputy Director of Central Department, Chief of Local Department, Bachelor,
    Master and Doctor without position.
  • Category B: Mid Level Civil Servant (Leadership Assistant); required at least High School Education Diploma and retired at age of 58.
  1. Grade B1: Chief Mid Level Civil Servant (has 6 steps from B1-6 to B1-3)
    Position: Central Head Office, Vice Chief of Local Department, Deputy Chief of District.

  2. Grade B2: Principal Mid-Level Civil Servant (has 30 steps from B2-10 to B2-1)
    Position: Central Deputy Head Office, Provincial Head Office.

  3. Grade B3: Mid Level Civil Servant (has 14 steps from B3-14 to B3-1)
    Position: Provincial Deputy Head Office, District Head Office.
  • Category C: Secretary or Skilled Operators (Executive); required at least Hight School Education Diploma and retired at age of 55.
  1. Grade C1: Chief Secretary (has 6 steps from C1-6 to C1-1)
    Position: Deputy Head Office of District.

  2. Grade C2: Principal Secretary (has 10 steps from C2-10 to C2-1)
    Position: Communal Clerk.

  3. Grade C3: Secretary (has 14 steps from C3-14 to C3-1)
  • Category D: Administrative Agents; retired at age of 55.
  1. Grade D1: Chief Administration Agent (has 6 steps from D1-6 to D1-1)
    Position: High Skill Worker.

  2. Grade D2: Principal Administrative Agent (has 10 steps from D2-10 to D2-1)
    Position: Mid-Skill Worker.

  3. Grade D3: Administrative Agent (has 14 steps from D3-14 to D3-1)

The pay structure of civil servants depends on its Categories, Grades, Classifications, and WageScales. The salaries are proportionate to Wage Scales, not to the level of position in government. Along with the base salary , there are many benefits which included: Family support allowances, Educational allowances (for teachers), Position Benefits (according to length of service), Compensation for health care, Zone Benefit (for agents workingin remote areas). but for the Position Benefit: provided for civil servants in Category A, B and C. These benefits are subdivided into 5 levels, according to the length of service and work experiences in the position and are as follows:

  1. Level 5 for less than 3 years of work experiences;
  2. Level 4 for 3 to 6 years of work experiences;
  3. Level 3 for 6 to ten years of work experiences;
  4. Level 2 for 10 to 16 years of work experiences; and
  5. Level 1 for more than 16 years of work experiences.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Just for fun

the definition of married as : Its an agreement in which a man loses his bechelor degree and a woman gains her masters !

Before the marriage

He : Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She : Do you want me to leave ?
He : NO ! Don't even think about it.
She : Do you love me ?
He : Of course !
She : Have you ever cheated on me?
He : NO! Why would you even ask ?
She : Will you kiss me ?
He : Yes !
She : Will you hit me ?
He : No way ! I'm not that kind of person !
She : Can I trust you ?

After the marriage, you can read it from bottom to the top !!!!

Love Letter


Dearest Ms Juliet,

Sub: Offer of love!
Ref: Meeting in coffee shop!

I am pleased to inform you that I have fallen in Love with you since the 14th of February. With reference to the meeting held between us on the 13th of Feb. at 1400 hrs, I would like to present myself as a prospective lover.Our love affair would be on probation for a period of three months and depending on compatibility, would be made permanent. Of course, upon completion of probation, there will be continuous on the love training and performance appraisal schemes leading up to promotion from lover to spouse. The expenses incurred for coffee and entertainmentwould initially be shared equally between us.

Later, based on your performance, I might take up a larger share ofthe expenses. However I am broadminded enough to be taken care of, on yourexpense account.
I request you to kindly respond within 30 days of receiving this letter,failing which, this offer would be cancelled without further notice and I shall be considering someone else.
I would be happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to take up this offer.
Wish you all the best! Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,


Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's my friends

B2 and his friend? ha ha ,

Look merl , what do you think? B3 seem to be quiet, the girl is busy on the phone, guess ? with whom?

Look at his picture, B2 want to kill her men ten neung na

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to be a leader

You can’t become a leader just by saying you are. Being a leader is to spend time developing the quality, attitude, bearing, manner and apperance of a leader.

Without followers it is not possible to be a leader, a leader is unable to function any organisation by themselves. Leader are people who want to get things done through cooperation and not just for personal gains, and they have ability to listen to internal and external advice before making decisons. Leader are people who not only command respect from their peer group but from their superiors and subodinates and they are accepted as, and are seen to be, capable of accepting responsibility and accountability. "Six traits of effective leaders: 1. Make others feel important; 2. Promote a vision; 3. Follow the golden rule; 4. Admit mistakes; 5. Criticize others only in private; 6. Stay close to the action. Example has more followers than reason. We unconsciously imitate what pleases us, and approximate to the characters we most admire."– Christian Nevell Bovee

Leadership is not about the product, profit, and plant, but it is about people. Moreover, it is not an science, but an art.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Being stingy than ever

It's right time to start saving up our expenses . As we have alreay learned from one crisis to another appearing and hearing on the news every corner of the world. From financial crisis to oil and food crisis, it makes the world economic is starting slowdown . The price of oil and goods is increasing every day, it affects so much on our everyday lives.

We should learn how to spend money smart than ever. I think what we can do is be stingy person. If we don't do that, it makes us in big trouble. It's not too difficult, and we should start with thing around us. Starting with the new idea of saving and economical.

Hopefully, this is will help you to save up and spend money less but wise.

1. Distinguish between Wants and Needs. For this period, just find and buy what you most important need for your task.

2. Try before you buy is good idea that will not let you spend money on useless or not important things

3. Going out occassionally is important to save up your money on fuel filling and on restaurant.

4. Check it out everything in your house or office to make sure you don't turn on light or any stuff.

To do this thing, it helps you to save more money. I think is not difficult , but just decrease the happiness of life. I hope you can share any new ideas with me on this matter.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Q&A: Food crisis

Q&A: Food crisis
Matthew Weaver

This article was first published on on Tuesday April 29 2008. It was last updated at 15:44 on April 29 2008.

What is happening?

Food prices have soared by more than 60% in the last year, sparking riots in some countries. The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, has warned of "social unrest on an unprecedented scale". The price of rice has risen by 68% since the start of 2008. Other staples such as wheat and corn have more than doubled since last year.

What are the consequences?

The World Bank estimates that 100 million people have been pushed into poverty by food price rises in the last two years. In Britain, rising commodity prices will mean the average family having to pay an extra £800 a year for groceries.

How serious are the food riots?

So far the worst have been in Haiti, where six people were killed and the prime minister was forced to resign, and in Cameroon, where 24 were killed. There have also been violent scenes in Egypt, Ivory Coast, South Korea and Bangladesh. In the Philippines, the government has introduced a life sentence for hoarding rice.

How is this crisis different from others?

It is becoming global, and affecting urban as well as rural areas.

Why is it happening now?

The World Food Programme blames a combination of rising demand from rapidly developing countries like China and India; the impact of climate change, including floods and droughts; and shortsighted government policies. The era of cheap food for the last 30 years has led to complacency about future supplies. Financial speculation by hedge funds trying to exploit new markets, and panic-buying by importers, are making things worse.
Export restrictions designed to protect national supplies have contributed by skewing prices. Reductions in agricultural aid to developing countries are being cited as another factor.
Switching traditional agricultural crops to biofuels has significantly cut the amount of land available for food production in high-yielding countries such as the US.

What are the possible solutions?

In the short term, the UN has called for an increase in subsidies to developing countries through the World Food Programme. In the medium and longer term, it wants to encourage more smallholder farming in developing countries to reduce their dependence on the west.
Farmers will need to produce higher yields and more unused land will have to be farmed.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Communication Misunderstanding

I talk on my experience with my friends. Actually, all communication is involved encoding and decondeing, called a sender and a receiver. Due to level of English, it leads to make confusion between two people what we intent to think and to do.

What does it mean " I am serious "? I am still in doubt why only the word "I am serious " leads to break up our friendship forever. Or it is just pretext, I think it may be. It's not just only the word make them so crazy. If they want to be crazy, please let them being crazy forever......They will sorrow forever in life.

When you know something, say what you know. When you don't know something, say that you don't know. That is knowledge. - Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food and Oil Crisis

Afther the oil crisis, now it turns to the food crisis. Which one is the most important? As to me, the food is the most important basic needs for living, while the oil is just the second machine.

The rice price is up to 50% in January 2007 , 318, 3 dollars per ton to 577 dollars in January 2008. The hardest hit will be on the Africa region where is the poor countries and depend on the food import. In the meantime, many prinicipal exporters China, India, Vietnam and Thailand stop temporarily to export for local needs and reserves. The main cause of shortages come from the high price of energy, the draught in the region and the shift of cultivation from rice to the biofuel such as corn, sugar cane and palm oil.

Soaring food prices pose problems for three groups. First, for the poor whose ability to buy is underminded. The next one is the least developed countries who depend on high import, natural disaster and political unrest. The last is for International Aid Agencies whose goal is to help the poor countries.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Khmer New Year in Ratanakiri

This Khmer New Year , I went to Rattanakiri. I am very disappointed with tourist site management. Actually , there are many places to go around, especially visiting the village of minority ethnic, waterfalls, and a big lake with a beautiful landscape surrounding. But lack of tourism destination management.

On the first day of New Year, I went to restaurant in town, there are crowds of people waiting their breakfast, and some waiting very long time to have their own meal. Some are very disappointed because no food available. One thing I made notice of restaurant is the guest come to take the meal by ownself. Then, I continued to go Pagoda in Lumphat district for traditional ceremony with family and friends. After finishing the ceremony, I went to TAT TAI is along the Sre Pok rivers with a vivid beautiful landscape. Hummmmmmmmm............

Ah I forget to tell how far it is from Ban Lung town to Lumphat. It is about 40 Km with a good road condition that can drive 60-90 km/hours. It takes me nearly 40 mns to arrive there. On the second of my new year in RTK, I went to Pagoda as usual with my father's men to celebrate it. This pagoda is very small with two middle aged monks and many clerks. The pagoda is just built two months ago. On the way back, I went to waterfall of hydroelectricity one, called CHRORS TDAM SNAE . It is very popular place for high school student come to play with their partner. Eh, too dangerous for khmer society. Is it good?????????? I don't think so. It is very bad effect on Khmer Culture. As people told me there, they often see student come to play here.

The most important thing I want to tell you here is the toursim site management is not satisfied at all . No public toilet, no dust bin, car parking.....,. Generally Speaking, the facilities is your turn to rate it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rice Price increase.......!

It's unbelievable that the soaring rice price hits many Asian countries. For Cambodia, government spends US $ 10 million buying rice from farmer. ( Source: The Mekong Times, April 7, 2008). Luckily, government takes a strong measure to ban temporarily on exporting rice to the neighbor countries. However, the soaring price of rice doesn't affect on Cambodia.

If the rice price increases as what the fuel does, it make very bad effect on population of the world who consuming everyday. Anyway, it makes a good profits for rural countrymen like in Cambodia.